This is Nicky-baby. He’s my eleven year old nephew from the US. And he has a blog, which you can find HERE.

I started this blog for Nicky-baby a year ago and have written a bunch of posts for it. Slowly but surely, however, he has been picking up the pen himself—which, of course, was my intention from day one.

But alas, blogging has met with stiff competition for Nicky-baby’s heart. His main passions—soccer and eleven year old girls—have been jealous mistresses. So I thought I’d do a little PR today, in the hope that some extra traffic (and comments!) to his blog might inspire Nicky-baby to resume his blogging with renewed vigor. And, in the process, allow Uncle Sal to retire from his ghostwriting duties (not that I mind ghostwriting).

A few of you—like Kim, Thomas and their son Pickles—have already found their way to Nicky-baby’s blog. And I hope you do, too. Why? Because the future of blogging lies with today’s youth.

And I’m sorry, but with the exception of Pickles…none of us qualify as “today’s youth.”

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