1. All right, that’s it! Trying to play Twister with an armless, legless coconut is the very last straw. High time for the patrons of the VTB to start work on the “Find A Gal Pal for Sal” campaign.

    One of Sal’s main selling points: flexibility. (How DO you do that?) 🙂

  2. …and I thought I had good flexibility…
    Da-AMN! I’m impressed! I used to be able to do that…oh…maybe thirty years ago.
    I hope you didn’t fall down on the coconut. That would leave a mark…

  3. Christina: A gal pal? What on earth would I do with one of those? Unless…maybe, just maybe, I could talk her into a friendly game of…Twister?!

    TBF: Precisely the reason that I no longer play Twister with prickly pears.

    BeeP: It’s all in the calves, my friend.


  4. I’m with Chritina… You definitely need a Gal Pal, pal! Does she have to be that flexible, too? I promise that if we find you one, she won’t be as hairy as Capt’n/Elvis coconut…

  5. Lady Di: Nope. Unlike my brother FrankenFeet, my feet are a pleasing olive tone. Before Annie Liebovitz shot the above photo, I was on the verge of taking off my socks. But then I remembered that Twister is *supposed* to be played with socks on. Hey…I don’t make the rules. I just following some of them.

    Cream: So…exactly *who* was in that dream? 😉

  6. That’s what I call performing in front of a crowd – or coconut.
    Are you using the same coconut for all your photo shoots or do triplets take turns doing various kinds of circus acts with you?
    Let me know in case I decide to start a coconut show.

  7. Woah! I go on an Internet hiatus for a while, and I come back and Sal is playing Twister with Elvis. The Tapas Bar is a strange, strange place… but I love it!

  8. Nyana: The King Coconut is the Captain Coconut is the original coconut. The other two are gone now. One has been eaten, and the other is at my daughter’s school…so that a classroom full of four year olds can also learn to love coconut.

    Angie: I hope all this doesn’t frighten Shane more.


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