1. Awwww! Orange just said that both of you are welcome to stay over for the next weeks in Switzerland. I’ll have to see what Dale’s thoughts are though. Although, I have to admit that he’s (Dale) ok with pups/babies. 🙂

  2. Jasemine’s owners return from vacation in two weeks, so I’ll have no choice but to part with her.

    To be honest, I don’t think it will be traumatic. Sure, she’s a good little puppy and fun to play with. But I quickly noted the one important area in which Jazz trails my two cats of nine years. Jazz doesn’t use a litter box.

    Instead, she plants devious little land mines all over my yard. I no sooner finish making my semi-daily rounds with a shovel and plastic bag, when…squish. Time to hose off my sandals again.

    And, oh yeah…this afternoon, she jumped in my daughter’s swimming pool. Never had that problem with my cats, either.

  3. If she kisses with tongue, then she’ll love this one…
    Stick your index fingers deep into her ears, give her a good scratching until you think you have a good amount of doggy earwax on your finger tips. Pull your finger out of her ears, and then stick your fingers right in front of her nose. She’ll lick your fingers until you no longer have any fingerprints, and she’ll be your friend FOR LIFE!!!
    Our dog LOVED it!

  4. Awwww…what a sweetheart! I would love to dog-sit …but of course King wouldn’t like it unless the doggy was very calm. Our dear departed Dominique loved her own earwax as TBF has described in his suggested ear scratching advice above. I find it a bit disgusting myself…but illegal it’s not.
    Enjoy Jazz.

  5. Creamy: At least Jazz listens to me with one ear. That’s one more than my daughter when I tell her something.

    Mrs. TBF: It may not be illegal…but I’ve written my congressman.

  6. You kill me! And I thought the “Can I show you my butt” title was funny…I remind myself here and now to not underestimate your ability to make my laugh.

  7. She’s a beauty all right. Just think – two weeks of wet, sloppy kisses at all hours of the day and night and you won’t even have to take her out to dinner or buy her jewelry!

    Mmmm…dog earwax. :-S

  8. Sal, I need a REALLY good recipe for sangria for an upcoming wedding reception. Do you think you could take time out from kissing the dog to give me some direction here? It would be sooo appreciated.

    Oh, and nice beefcake photo. Got to run. The UPS man is here with the wedding invitations. Yoda!

  9. Kick Shoe: Do you really mean to tell me that you haven’t memorized the entire 2004 VTB archive? Well, then…just go here: http://saldetraglia.blogspot.com/2004/09/brief-primer-on-sangra.html

    Lady Di: Well…look what the cat dragged in. Our Kiwi friend is back from her European tour. It was awfully tame around here without you.

    Christina: I still haven’t regained my appetite after reading about that earwax thing.

    Glenna: Another food blogger! And one with a sense of humor, too. I need to get your blog up on my sidebar. If I don’t do it within the next 24 hour, send a boot in the general direction of my head.

    Tatiana: I am lucky. I get a cute dog to play with. And then, about the time that it starts getting on my nerves, it’s owners will return and I can give it back.

    I’m still having fun with her, but with each passing day I am more convinced about the superiority of cats as pets. It all goes back to that litter box thing.

  10. I wholeheartedly agree with the cats being superior animals! I have two myself. . . and while I did enjoy doggie sitting for a week a few weeks back (see pics on my post – though your doggie photogrpahs much better than my Jasmine (yes, that was her name!) did)- and I loved the exercise I got with her, etc. . . . I HATED having to be at the mercy of the puppy. To make things worse, I live in a high rise, so get up, take doggie down the elevator, walk to park, poop (doggy, not me), pick up poop, walk back home. Ugh. work work work. But she was adorable.

    Still, CATS RULE!!!!!

  11. Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.
    -Robert A. Heinlein

  12. C-Swiss: Yep, I do work from a home office. I’ve been doing it for six years, and you know what…it’s awesome! Business casual in a home office means a pair of shorts and a pair of contact lenses. That’s fortunate, given the weather this summer.

    I love all these Indonesian recipes you and Orangie have been posting (including the new one). That’s a cuisine to which I haven’t had much exposure, but strikes me as interesting. I wish I could crash your party.


  13. Ahhh, the comfort of working from home! O-X does that whenever he gets the opportunity, but now, with all the changes at the office, he needs to be there more.

    If you like asian cuisine in general, you’ll love it. You’re welcome to join us. Hey, you’d get to meet TBF and Mrs. TBF. After all, what’s one more mouth to feed? 🙂


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