21 thoughts on “I YAM WHAT I YAM!”

  1. Ang:

    You’re the second person this month to tell me that they are INFJ. And also the second person not to surprise me with the news.

    I think that does explain why we are cyberbuddies. It also explains your reaction to that funeral that you covered a few months ago.

    Welcome to our little club. And it is a little one (i.e., only 1% of the population).


  2. Sal, no, I’d actually like to take that back. Its even too smart-ass for me. You see, I had just gotten back from a 10 hour trip to O’Hare to pick up my friend Pau and was emotionally drained…I thought at the time I was being funny but now today after a good nights sleep, it sounds kind of mean…Don’t Know, Don’t Care…what WAS I thinking. Seriously though, it was meant to be funny. P.S. I’m an INFP (that explains it, huh)

  3. Hmmm, my type is 3 percent of the population but apparently we ‘have great influence because of our extraordinary impact on others’.

    I kind of like the idea of this lol. I was feeling left out.

  4. Looks like many people are “NF” but either introverted or extroverted. Interesting

    Sal, did you ever get hold of that “Introvert Advantage” book? I can lend it to you if you like.

  5. It looks like the NF’s are ruling the Internet. That’s surprising in a way, since we’re (I believe) a small population. Then again, it’s not so surprising to find that NF’s are attracted to this touchy-feely blog stuff.

    In any event, it goes a long way toward explaining why I like you all so much.

    Christina, this whole Myers-Briggs personality thingee reminded me about “Introvert Advantage.” I’ll be hopping the ocean again soon, and will try to find it at Borders.

    Sigh…Borders. How I miss you, Borders.


  6. So you finally did a MBTI test? I’m a ‘ESTJ’, but that should not come as a surprise :o)

    BR from your Viking friend

  7. My Viking friend:

    You are ESTJ. I am INFJ. That means that we are almost exact opposites. So…why is it that we’re such good friends? There’s only one possible answer…



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