Certified food-nut, Harsh, has published his “Top Five Childhood Food Memories” in resonse to my earlier meme.

Check it out here and you’ll be asking yourself, “How did his mother get a six year-old to eat all those gourmet items?”

6 thoughts on “FOOD MEME UPDATE.”

  1. Well… my folks had a rule, any time a new food item came around we had to give it an honest try. Thad and what 5 yearold could resist eating something that would make other 5 yearolds go “Ewww!” and run away.

  2. Enjoyed the accounts, my fellow MEME-ers. My bloggage has been fairly non-existent lately (and when it has existed, it’s been mediocre) but my food MEME shall be posted tonight, no ifs, ands or buts. Because I know Sal has been so bored in the stillness that is Spain in August that he’s been reduced to science experiments on his patio. 😉

    I do have a good excuse — I gave my two weeks’ notice earlier this week and have landed a job that I hope will be much more satisfying! (mentally AND financially… can’t beat that…) Can I get a “hallelujah!”

  3. HALLELU…uh, wait a minute. You’re not becoming a lawyer, are you?

    Assuming not, congrats on the new job! But…but how are you going to survive an 8 hour day without the police scanner?

    As for your Top 5 Food Meme…well…I didn’t want to mention it, but…you *are* the only one of the four who hasn’t done it.

    Ve vill be vatching your blog tonight, Ms. Angie. [Editor’s Note: Prior sentence to be imagined with a German accent.]


  4. Hi Sal, It’s all Cathy’s fault that I am here – but I am happy to join in the fray! I’m on the list of Cathy’s housemates for our late-in-life post-husband Spanish adventure, so I’m ever so glad to have found you!

    Best, Kimberley

    ps She pinged me to carry your Food Meme torch forward – which I have just started with the first entry. Thanks for being such a powerful antecedent!

  5. Hah! I have published my food MEME, at long last. I hope it lives up to all the hype, but I have my doubts. 🙂 I haven’t figured out which blogs to tap yet… TBD.

    Have a great weekend!

    P.S. Not becoming a lawyer, although I once considered it. Still a reporter, which is about as popular as a lawyer, but with less income.


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