Pictured above is…my left foot.

No make-up, airbrushing, computer graphics or collagen injections were used to alter or enhance its appearance. Just my left foot…basking in the Iberian sun…as God intended it to be.

Now, you may be wondering why I posted my left foot on this blog. The reason is fairly simple: I had no better idea at the time.

It isn’t that I’ve completely run out of ideas. To the contrary, scribbled on a pocket-sized notepad at the left-hand corner of my desk is a lengthy list of ideas for new posts. The problem is that all these ideas are Christmas-related, and I am waiting for December 1st before I unleash them on the world.

So I needed something to spruce up the blog during this awkward, late-November period of lull. And since we don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Spain, I had little choice but to call on the services of that faithful appendage resting quietly beneath my desk.

Besides, it’s not a bad looking left foot…wouldn’t you agree?

Posted by Hello

6 thoughts on “MY LEFT FOOT.”

  1. Even though you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving in Spain I still think you should inform your readers of our family tradition! You know what I’m talking about don’t you? The first course of our Thanksgiving meal!! The one that we look forward to and wait for all year long! The one that I will be requesting for my birthday dinner this year since Mom and Dad will be in Spain for Thanksgiving.
    You little sis

  2. I love this. My post on the frustrations of finding a reliable pepper mill sits on this blog for a week with no comments. Then…I post a picture of my damn foot, and the whole universe writes in.

    Anyway, first course at our traditional Thanksgiving dinner is a tin cup of SnackPack chocolate pudding. Eaten with a plastic spoon, of course. It’s regrettable that my sister will have to wait an extra month to get some, but the time will pass quickly.

    Meanwhile, we will be eating escarole soup with little meatballs here in Spain. Not quite as good as SnackPack, but then what is?


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